3 Days of highways work at Branston, Burton-on-Trent in Derbyshire. We had the task of a varied amount of works along the road side utilising traffic management to allow us to work safely. The picture above shows two crack Willows that had once been part of the hedge line but had grown to concerning heights given the poor unions and some previous storm damage. As the trees provided significant water absorbing along the dyke they needed to remain so the decision was made to retain them and therefore pollard them down to a safe height.

The second and third days saw us removing Ivy and deadwood from two Oak trees and one Pear tree to enable re-inspection later down the line and limit the risk of falling debris on the road. Unfortunately the second oak tree had badly failed due to poor health and storm damage over the years with major ripped out limbs and deadwood within the canopy. This one was reduced to a safe height and left as standing deadwood for wildlife, hopefully given the large open wounds there may be a family of bat’s in there eventually.
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